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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Edification on I-65

Well I went to Nashville this past weekend to visit some friends. Actually I just went expecting to see the Bens, Ryans, and Lauren, but like fifteen more people were at Lipscomb for Impact (don't ask, I still don't really know what it is). It was a good trip though and it was good to be around Harding friends again.

One thing that I love about road trips is the opportunity for a lot of learning. I was in the car for about fourteen hours total and got to listen to a lot of stuff. So I'm going to relay some of that to you because it was all very good.

The first thing I listened to was a new album that I bought the day that I left. It's the new album by Lamp Mode Recordings titled "The Church." The album features some names that were very familiar to me like Trip Lee, Shai Linne, and Flame. And also some names that I have heard but haven't really listened to a lot: Hazakim, Tedashii, Evangel, Stephen the Levite, and God's Servant. Anyway, all the songs had to do with the Church. It was so good. I learn so much from hearing those guys "preach." Seriously. I know that Yoder and Dayton are still the only friends of mine that can handle Christian rap, but at least get on there and look at some of the lyrics when you get a chance. I haven't seen anywhere that they are out yet but I'm sure you can find them somewhere. (Two songs that were awesome for me to listen to were "Expositional Preaching" by Shai Linne and "Conversion" by Trip Lee)

The next thing I listened to was a sermon by R.W. Glenn on Jonah. It was fantastic and was great for me after just reading Jonah. I will talk more about it when I give my notes on my reading of Jonah.

Next was the kicker. This is something that I wasn't planning on at all and it just blew me away. I heard some stuff on that CD about defining what the Church believes. When I heard that I remembered seeing something that looked like that on my Mars Hill podcast. So I went looking for it. Sure enough I found a series that Mark Driscoll did a couple years ago called Doctrine. So I started listening to this series. Amazing. Imagine a church defining what they believe to the congregation. This wasn't like, "Okay let's look at justification or election." It was "This is what we believe about God." "This is what we believe about the Bible." "This is what we believe about mankind." Now maybe churches actually do this. I just haven't been there when they do it. But Driscoll started with defining God and went from there. It's a thirteen part series which I have only listened to six of. But it is so good. Even if you don't completely agree with everything that he says, it causes you to ask yourself why you agree or disagree. Most people would have no idea why they agree or disagree. I am working towards having a reason for why I believe what I believe.

So anyway, that was my weekend. Good fellowship with friends. Good fellowship with God. And good edification from Christian rappers and preachers.

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