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Saturday, July 10, 2010

How the Gospel Changes Us

I just listened to the Timothy Keller sermon "How the Gospel Changes Us" again. If I could recommend one sermon to a believer, it would be that sermon (granted I haven't heard a whole ton of sermons). It is so extremely important to get. I am still processing and probably need to listen to it again in the morning. But please sit down for an hour or so sometime this week (probably Sunday because that is most people's least stressful day) and listen to this sermon. Take notes. It'll be much easier to follow and remember that way.

Also, there is a section at the end (from the 44:50 mark to about 50:30) where Keller talks about a concept that Jonathan Edwards wrote about in a book called "The Nature of True Virtue." The concept is common virtue vs. true virtue. It is amazingly obvious to your mind once he explains it. I took a page of notes on that section alone. In fact, I would suggest that common virtue is what is most often taught in churches and Christian circles. It was awesome for me to hear it and like I said I am still processing it and will be for a long time.

I hope that has intrigued you enough to listen to this. Seriously, an hour out of your day to blow your mind and see your motivations for doing things in a whole new light. I think that is worth it.

Also, if you want to keep digging into this topic, a friend of mine gave me an article that Keller wrote titled "The Centrality of the Gospel." I haven't read all of it yet, but I plan on diving into it tomorrow if I have time. Thanks for listening. As always I hope this points you to Christ and His surpassing worth.

Soli Deo gloria (Glory to God alone)

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