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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Together for the Gospel

I just kind of discovered the Together for the Gospel conferences. I was looking at something on David Platt and it lead me to their website. I think I had heard of it before from Childers or something but I had never really looked at it. It's a great resource of great men who speak the Word of God. I just watched the John MacArthur message and then started in on the R.C. Sproul one (have a dictionary close by if you are going to listen to him). Anyway I just figured I'd throw another resource your way. Many of us will be heading to school in the next couple weeks so this could just be some nice edification for the road.

Soli Deo gloria

P.S. I've also added The Resurgence blog and the 9 Marks blog on my blog list. Just a couple more resources for learning.


Vic Thom said...

You're reading the right things in my opinion. I graduated from Harding in 1967. Have you read Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll?

Mitchell Carter said...

Vic, I haven't read Vintage Jesus yet, although I did read Vintage Church. It was very helpful. That's so cool that you graduated from Harding. Where are you at now?