I realized yesterday that I haven't mentioned anything on here about my recent postings. On one of my last postings (the one about Systematic Theology I think), someone from a website called HolyCulture.net commented and asked me if I'd like to start writing for their website. After I realized it wasn't someone messing with me, I agreed to do it. I've written two devotionals for them now (I'm supposed to write one every two weeks but I kind of slacked in that first part of school). These are the links to them:
-Beginning in a Humble State
-Gospel Motivation
It's kind of a nice set up, because, like this blog, I can just write whatever has been on my mind as of late. Different though, is that people are reading it whom I have never met. So that is pretty cool. The website is pretty centered around the Christian Rap culture. And obviously most of my friends aren't running with that crew (although their are a few going strong). I pray that God can use this jar of clay to spread the treasure of His word (2 Corinthians 4:7). And hopefully Paul's words will ring true and show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to me.
For the people who do know me and haven't talked to me in forever, I'd like to update you because you probably won't see me for awhile. My summer plans have changed. I'm no longer coming home for the summer. Through a series of really cool events... actually just through Harrison Dell's word of mouth, I got offered an internship at Muskogee Church of Christ for the summer. I decided that it was an opportunity I just couldn't pass over. So, I'm going to spend twelve weeks of the summer working with the youth group in Muskogee, Oklahoma. I've very excited about it and would very much appreciate your prayers. So that's my short little update. Hopefully this weekend I will have time to comment on what I've been reading and learning lately.
Soli Deo gloria
Congratulations on your internship and writing opportunities!
Though I am TICKED you are not coming home this summer, praise God that an opportunity like this has come about!
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