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Friday, January 22, 2010

A Tough Prayer

I heard someone say a prayer one time that they said they prayed every time they opened the Bible. The prayer was,

"Lord, please take everything I believe about you and tear it down and replace it with truth."

I think that's a pretty humbling prayer and it's one that I need to pray more. Instead of thinking, 'Oh, I want to confirm the things I already thought about God.' No, I want God to blow my mind. However great I thought you were, just destroy that and show me how great you really are. Whatever constraints I put on your character, just break those and show me who you really are. That's something I need to do more of. Coming before God humbly and saying that I don't know, but I want to know.

1 comment:

Ben said...


That is a really cool prayer. I like the idea of God taking away the idols that I've made of him. One of my favorite passages is the golden calf passage. I'm sure you are familiar with it. The most interesting part about that passage to me is that the Israelites weren't building a calf to worship another god. They were trying to create an object to conceptualize God. I definitely believe that we can learn about God. However, I also believe that God is beyond all conceptualization and the minute we try to box him in and define him he reminds us that he simple is "I am." Thanks for your encouragement.

Grace & Peace,
Benefits Woods