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Thursday, January 14, 2010

What You Spend Your Time Reading

This video was great for me to watch because I like to read and always wonder what I should be reading (especially because I'm a slow reader and it's a big commitment for me to pick a book). If you haven't watched the Mark Driscoll video below this, watch that one first. I'll repeat that. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW THIS THAT DEFINES CHURCH GROUPS FIRST!!! Otherwise you might not understand why he's telling you not to read some of these authors. I think Driscoll did a very good job of advising about this. I know it helped me out.

1 comment:

Ben said...


I have been really encouraged to see your excitement about Jesus in this blog. I just watched the Mark Driscoll videos. I've read several of Driscoll's books. I would say he and I disagree on a lot of things but that's ok. I think that we are experiencing another reformation similiar to Luther and so perspectives are clashing like crazy. I've also read a lot of Mclaren and Bell. I would definitely put them on your must read list. I'm planning on picking up some John Piper.

Grace and Peace,
Ben Woods