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Sunday, February 7, 2010


Ruth has very little about God in it, which is kind of weird. They give God credit for a of things, but it almost seems like it's just lip service. I don't know why I felt that way when I read it, but I did. Anyway, just what I thought.

That isn't the point though I don't think. I think the main character in this story is Jesus. Yes I said Jesus. No He isn't mentioned in the book at all. I think it is pretty obvious though and I don't think I'm reading anything in that isn't already there. God kind of lobs one up here for us. Ruth is a foreigner who has no inheritance and no means by which to live. So comes and basically begs in Boaz's field for scraps and Boaz gives her more than she could want. In the end, Boaz redeems her (yes the writer uses the word redeems, I didn't just write it for my purposes) and marries her. He reward is now great in that she has a husband and wealth. Not only that, but she now becomes apart of the line of Christ. So basically we have a foreign woman (who were thought of as property at the time if I'm right) who has no inheritance or even way to get enough to live. This guy comes along and protects her, saves her from this life, brings her into be his wife, and she ends up becoming apart of the family of God. Sound familiar? It's the Gospel. It should sound familiar.

There is a whole lot that I didn't understand. The whole way that she got him to marry her with sleeping next to his feet and all that confused me. I'm sure it even adds to the greatness of the story. Again, if anyone knows what that stuff means, please enlighten us. I will at some point learn about it, but I don't want to ruin the flow of the Bible that I am trying to take in.

I'm going to hold off for 1 & 2 Samuel for a bit. There are so many confusing and weird things in those books that it will take me awhile to sort through them. Plus I am just tired. Hopefully those will go up today though. Until then, be encouraged or challenged. Don't just accept what I think about these things as truth. God could easily have kept obvious things from my understanding for His purposes. Nevertheless I am greatly encouraged by what I am reading. God is greater and more faithful than I ever thought. Honestly it just is getting me excited to read the Gospel.

All for His glory,

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